I love a Well.ca sale! And this week they’ve put all their summer stock on clearance – up to 40% off some favourite brands. Just look at some of the deals they have right now:
- Babiators heart shaped sunglasses (so cute! and a Limited Edition, no less)
- bbLuv splash travel pool – take the pool fun with you wherever you go for your little ones
- Citrobug mosquito repellant oil for kids
- Little Tikes First slide (great for outdoor fun! Didn’t know Well.ca carried anything like this…)
- Little Tikes Lean to Turn first scooter for kids
- Nest Designs cotton dry baby wipes
- Ogosport Ogo discs – pack of 2 disks and ball that sticks to the disks! Looks like a lot of fun
- Watkins Great Outdoors insect repellant
And plenty of other deals to be had on things like baby summer clothes, sunscreen, etc. The Well.ca up to 40% off Summer Clearance sale is on now!
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